Farmers & John Deere Battle Over Tech Repair Rights

Several states have introduced "Right to Repair" legislation in the last few months. This legislation has been designed to make it easier for people to repair the products that they have purchased by giving them access to repair information or diagnostic software in some cases. Customers want to be able to purchase the software or repair manuals and require manufacturers to sell parts to owners or independent repair shops. If this legislation passes it would allow consumers more options to repair their items than just the manufacturer.

In one case regarding John Deer tractors in Nebraska, Apple and Microsoft showed up to court to oppose the legislation. Corn growers in Nebraska are fighting to be able to repair there own tractors. At first look, it might seem strange that Apple and Microsoft would care about tractors, but the tractors of today have become very sophisticated compared to the past. They now require diagnostic software to make many repairs. Apple and Microsoft are concerned the legislation would also effect their products. Watch the video below for more information on the legislation and John Deere tractors:

From Motherboard