Nvidia Partners with Volkswagen, Uber for Artificial Intellegence

Nvidia Corporation will be partnering with Volkswagen and Uber in the area of artificial intelligence for autonomous vehicles. The company continues to expand it’s reach into the artificial intelligence market in 2018 as it has already worked with Tesla in the development of their autonomous vehicles.

Uber has test fleets of autonomous cars already in Pittsburgh and Pheonix. Nvidia's GPU chips are being used to help the vehicles make split second decisions. 

Jensen Huang, Nvidia CEO announced at CES, "The complexity of future cars is incredible, It begins with Xavier, which can do deep learning, computer vision and high performance computing at highly efficient levels."

According to an announcement from Nvidia, 
"Xavier can process up to 30 trillion deep learning operations a second while drawing just 30 watts of power. That power is needed to achieve what the automotive industry refers to as “Level 4 autonomy,” where a car can drive on its own, without human intervention. The number of cars with various levels of autonomy will grow to a total of 150 million vehicles by 2025, analysts project.
In March of last year, NVIDIA’s Huang said his company will deliver technology enabling Level 3 autonomous capabilities (in which a car can drive on its own but still needs a driver to intervene under various conditions) by the end of 2017, and Level 4 capabilities by the end of 2018."
Read More from Nvidia: https://blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2017/03/16/bosch/